Bideford to Westward Ho!


Saturday 15 August


 Our walk starts today at the hotel front door.  We cross Bideford’s ancient bridge and head along the quay down towards Appledore, destination Westward Ho! The exclamation mark is part of the name. Along the way we see many deserted vessels, hulks abandoned on the estuary mud.   By the time we get to Appledore it is pouring.  The approach to the village is depressing.  First the shuttered shipbuilding yard and then a series of ancillary businesses all locked and silent. We go into the Seagate Hotel for coffee.  It’s a low moment.  We are tempted by the bus stop outside the hotel and back to Bideford.  However, our courage doesn’t desert us and we agree to press on.  I notice that the hotel is advertising lobster on its dinner menu.  Hmm.

 Our route takes us through Northam country park, a flat expanse of sheep and golf extending out into the estuary. The rain is relentless, but I have a secret weapon – waterproof trousers.  Combined with my Wolfskin parka I am snug.  Chris gets wet though.  Her mac is showerproof rather than impermeable.


We sit on a bench overlooking the golf to eat our sandwiches.  The bus stop is right by the end of the path in Westward Ho!  Gratefully, we don’t have to wait long.


STOP PRESS. The shipyard is to be reopened.  It’s been bought by the owners of Harland and Wolff in Belfast and will be known as Harland and Wolff (Appledore).



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