SWCP Here We Go Again

The Crown West Down

10th July 2020

    A lot has happened since I last posted in the autumn of 2019.  For a start, the pain killers did not sort out my knee. Not at all.  I ended up under the knife at Parkside Private Hospital hospital in Wimbledon.  The nice Mr Morgan (son of Cliff, the rugby commentator) cut out the ragged bits of cartilage which were causing the pain.  He made a video as he was doing it and gave it to me on a stick.  It wasn't as gruesome as you might think. Yes I went private.  Too much pain to endure the wait for the beloved NHS.

So, here we go again. Me a but nervous about the knee, obviously.

And of course, Covid 19.  We couldn't go back to SWCP any sooner because of the craziness. And once the lock down was relaxed to allow travel, everything on the coast was immediately booked.  We decided on a totally different approach - staying put in one place inland and going out to the path every day.  We found this little pub about 10 miles from Woolacombe.  It turned out to be a brilliant choice - more on that later.

Oh, and we got married.  So now I'm 'walking with wife'.

Journey here was a bit of a nightmare.  All went well until about five miles from West Down when 'Doris' our wayward satnav decided to take a short cut down impossible narrow lanes.  We were for ever backing to let floods of traffic through.  We soon found out why.  The main A361 which we should have stayed on, was blocked because of a fire in a derelict pub.  In spite of this, we made it to The Crown in time for the first of a set of delicious dinners.


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