The Big One: Hunter's Inn to Combe Martin Saturday 28 September

Breakfast at Hunter's Inn is 'spiffing' according to Chris and she's not wrong.  Perfectly poached eggs for her and scrambled with smoked salmon for me. We are watched by the hotel's resident peacocks.
At nine O'clock sharp we are on our way again. Well spotted - I've changed the font. Arial.  What do you think?  I like it.
This section is high and lonely and looming ahead of us is The Great Hangman - the highest point on the entire SWCP. We are soon out of the wooded valley and climbing.  The rain ain't steady, but the squalls are soon crowding in.  Look at the rainbow over the sea.

Here's Chris on one of many almost vertical sections

Not surprisingly we don't meet many other walkers. There are two Americans on their way to Lee Abbey, which we passed yesterday soon after Lynmouth and in the valley just before the Hangman ascent we come across a small party out for the day from Combe Martin who are turning back because of the storm which is due to return in spades later.
The Great Hangman

By late afternoon we are at the top and we make it down to Combe Martin  before the rain starts.  On the road up to Newberry Valley we speak to a man working on his car.  He says: "Hunter's Inn to Combe Martin is the toughest section on the whole Southwest Coast Path."
We can only nod in agreement as we creep up to the camp site and fall into the car for the drive back to Lynmouth.


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